Allentown Dump Truck Accident on Airport Road Causes Wrongful Death
An Allentown wrongful death truck accident took place on Airport Rd. on March 11, 2019. A dump truck collided with a car driven by a 67-year-old woman on Airport Road. The Lehigh Valley wrongful death accident happened around 2:00 p.m. according to the Pennsylvania State Police. The Allentown truck accident shut down Airport Road between Locust Road and Hanoverville Rd. The Lehigh County Coroner was on scene to pronounce the automobile driver’s Allentown wrongful death. Additionally, a passenger was transported to a local Lehigh Valley hospital with severe personal injuries.
The Allentown personal injury lawyers at the Trapani Law Firm would like to pass along our thoughts and prayers to all family members and friends affected by this Airport Road wrongful death truck accident. Our Lehigh Valley car accident attorneys recommend immediate medical treatment after a car accident in order to prevent any long-term Lehigh Valley personal injury.
One of the most common types of Allentown personal injury accidents are Lehigh Valley car accidents. Many times, drivers are guilty of negligence that leads to accident. Distractions on the road and inside the vehicles themselves can quickly lead to disaster. Lehigh Valley injury accidents, along with tractor trailer accidents and motorcycle accidents are some of the most common types of personal injury accidents in Lehigh Valley PA. If you have been victim of a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Furthermore, under the Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM) portion of your auto insurance, you and your loved may be entitled to compensation even if the driver who struck you was uninsured.
Are you looking for help after experiencing a Route 22 or I-78 car accident? We’d like to help. The Trapani Law Firm offers free consultations. Our job is to deal with the insurance companies to help relieve your stress after a Route 33 Lehigh Valley car accident. We handle a wide range of personal injury claims including Lehigh Valley car accident, Allentown truck accident and Allentown wrongful death litigation. Our Allentown personal injury attorneys are committed to helping our local community. Call us anytime for a free personal injury consultation.
Last Updated on April 27, 2022