Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyer

Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyer

Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers in PhiladelphiaOur Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers have experience with Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawsuits in the state of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Allegheny County PA. Our attorneys can help you and your family after a cerebral palsy diagnosis in Pittsburgh PA. Birth injuries occur before, during and at times after the labor and delivery of your infant. A Pittsburgh birth injury often occurs due to medical malpractice errors of nurses, obstetricians, mid-wives and other Pittsburgh hospital employees. Over 50% of infant birth injuries and low APGAR scores are associated with oxygen deprivation also known as birth asphyxia. Birth injuries can also be caused by defective medical devices used before and during delivery. These common birth injuries often occur due to delayed delivery, Pitocin medicine inducement errors, oxygen deprivation also known as hypoxia, forceps delivery error, vacuum pump negligence, placental abruption and emergency C-Section malpractice is commonly the cause of birth injury in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Many times, this medical malpractice results in: Erb’s Palsy, athetoid cerebral palsy (CP) athetoid palsy, facial nerve palsy and brachial plexus cerebral palsy injury. Call a Pittsburgh birth injury lawyer at the Trapani Law Firm for a free consultation.

Unfortunately, these serious infant injuries will require a lifetime of financial hardship to endure and ongoing medical treatment. An experienced and highly knowledgeable Pittsburgh birth injury attorney can help. The lawyers at the Trapani Law Firm can provide you with a free in-person legal consultation at any Pittsburgh area medical facility, birthing center or hospital. We travel to any University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC).

There are several Pittsburgh PA hospitals and birthing centers that perform childbirths. Our birth injury lawyers at the Trapani Law Firm offer free consultations at any of the following locations in Pittsburgh. Such as the Allegheny General Hospital a large urban hospital located at 320 East North Avenue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The West Penn Hospital located at 4800 Friendship Avenue. UPMC Magee-Women’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. The UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (UPMC CHOP) has a neonatal intensive care unit located at 4401 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15224. Pittsburgh VA Medical Center which offers reproductive health care services for women Veterans, including contraception, pregnancy care and fertility treatment at their two locations: University Drive C, Pittsburgh, PA 15240-1003 and 1010 Delafield Road, Pittsburgh, PA. Presbyterian Hospital Pittsburgh at the University of Saint Lothrop. The Midwife Center for Birth & Women’s Health at 2831 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA offers is the largest freestanding birth center. The Midwife Center offers child delivery, postpartum care, classes and support groups for pregnant women. Moreover, our Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyers will represent you and your family in a Pittsburgh birth injury lawsuit by filing of a medical malpractice claim in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, Civil Division City-County Building, First Floor 414 Grant Street Pittsburgh PA 15219-2469.

Cerebral Palsy Lawyer Pittsburgh

A Pittsburgh cerebral palsy lawyer is here for you and your child after a CP diagnosis due to medical negligence. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder which can occur during negligent and prolonged childbirth labor and delivery. Cerebral Palsy, a common Pittsburgh birth injury, occurs due to the lack of oxygen (Hypoxemia) being supplied to the fetus’s brain. This serious and permanent disability causes permanent abnormal movement in various parts of the infant’s body, seizures and delays in the development. There are many different types Cerebral Palsy with each classified by the body parts affected and severity of the symptoms. Common Cerebral Palsy medical malpractice errors include fetal distress, failing to perform and emergency C-section, failure to detect birth defects or improper use of forceps. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is often diagnosed after a negligent labor and delivery of a child. Varied medical tests are performed to diagnose CP. This includes the APGAR test and an MRI, and the Gross Motor Function Classification System for CP (GMFCS) and other neurological assessments. Types of cerebral palsy include dyskinetic, spastic, ataxic and mixed types. Cerebral Palsy can badly impact your child’s ability to progress through life. Cerebral Palsy is a serious and lifelong birth injury disability that requires your child to endure physically therapy to for: strength, motor development, balance, flexibility and mobility, speech therapy, language therapy, impaired vision care, surgery and possibly 24-hour nursing for your child’s lifetime. Call a cerebral palsy lawyer in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania anytime for a free consultation.

Emergency C-section Attorney

Most Pittsburgh emergency cesarean section birth injuries occur because of careless physician and healthcare provider errors. An emergency urgent C section could be necessary when the umbilical cord reduces supply to the embryo, placenta abrupt and fetal distress. Delaying an emergency C-section surgery can result in serious and life-long Pittsburgh birth injuries including brain damage, spinal bifida, stillbirth, broken bones and Pittsburgh wrongful death. Vacuum extraction procedure assists in a complicated delivery. The negligent use of a vacuum pump extractor by an obstetrician or mid-wife during a childbirth can cause irreversible serious brain injury (TBI). A vacuum pump extraction, also known as a ventouse assisted delivery suctions the child’s head from the birth canal during a vaginal birth. Without properly skilled medical professionals a brain bleed can occur under the baby’s skull, causing brain damage. Using disproportionate strength or improper placement can result in negligent and permanent Pittsburgh birth injury. Catastrophic personal injuries include Cerebral Palsy, cognitive and developmental issues, skull fractures and hearing loss. Placental Abruption is a premature separation of the placenta from the uterus before childbirth. Placental abruption can be life-threatening to the baby, causing premature birth and even wrongful death. Placental abruption is diagnosed with symptoms of maternal bleeding, contractions and pain. Careful monitoring is required by medical professionals. In the event of an emergency, a Caesarean section is performed to prevent birth injury. Call a Pittsburgh birth injury lawyer at the Trapani Law Firm.

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, often referred to as HIE or birth asphyxia is a serious brain injury often caused by medical negligence fetal monitoring, anesthesia errors or misused Pitocin inducement medication. Early diagnosis and hypothermia treatment also known as brain cooling is vital. Sometimes brain injury may not be evident immediately after a Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) event. Lack of oxygen to the fetal brain or perinatal hypoxia can result in permanent brain damage leading to cerebral palsy. Asphyxiation can occur due to complications with the umbilical cord or low maternal blood oxygen. Lack of fetal oxygen is one of the causes of fetal stroke. Fetal stroke can result prolonged labor, Pitocin misuse and other medication error used in labor induction. Negligent observation and medical care by the obstetrician and hospital personnel often results in medical malpractice and permanent birth injury. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) can also be identified by a very low APGAR score at 1 and 5 minutes.

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

Pittsburgh birth injury trauma may also be the result of an infant suffering from Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome occurs in vitro as the newborn aspirates its meconium (bowel movement). This most often occurs due to fetal stress or abnormalities involving low blood flow and involving placenta. Meconium aspiration is most likely to occur with difficult labor and delivery, preeclampsia and post-term pregnancy. MAS can lead to Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) as the meconium can become lodged in the newborn’s lungs, depriving him of oxygen. Symptoms commonly associated with a Pittsburgh birth injury of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome include low muscle tone and rapid or abnormal breathing. Immediate medical intervention of removal of meconium and amniotic fluid from the airways and respiratory evaluation, however, permanent respiratory disease, lung infection, pneumothorax (lung rupture) occur as a result of medical malpractice in Pittsburgh PA.
Low APGAR Scores Related to Birth Injuries

Low APGAR Scores related to birth injuries can be caused by medical malpractice and negligent treatment of your infant during pregnancy labor and delivery. There are many steps that the pregnant expectant mother and child should expect from treating medical practitioners, nursing staff and hospital facility. Improper evaluation and diagnosis of risk or complications can often lead to medical malpractice brain injury. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be diagnosed by low APGAR scores. This newborn scoring system was created by Virginia Apgar and assists the physician estimate your infant’s general condition at birth. Heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, reflex response and color is checked by the labor and delivery hospital team. Low APGAR scores are an indicator to damage to the baby’s central nervous system. Infants suffering from inadequate oxygen and blood flow resulting in permanent injury due to hospital employees improper fetal monitoring and proper steps to prevent medical malpractice. Signs and symptoms of birth injury using the APGAR scoring system include pale or bluish skin color, difficulty, shallow or no breathing, failure to respond and poor muscle tone, excessive acid in the baby’s blood, low heart rate, HIE and coma. The lower the APGAR rate, on a 1 to 10 scale, the increased chance of birth injury associated with labor and delivery of your child. Due to birth injury malpractice your infant could endure a lifetime of medical bills as your newborn baby may need early intervention of physical, psychological, speech, language and recreational therapies, medications, hospital testing, hospitalizations and 24-hour nursing care.

The Most Common and Severe Medical Conditions and Disabilities Resulting From Pittsburgh Birth Injury 

Pittsburgh birth injury cases often involve severe, life-altering conditions caused by preventable errors, substandard medical care, or negligence by healthcare providers. One such condition is Facial Nerve Palsy, which occurs when a newborn’s facial nerves are damaged, typically during a difficult delivery. The improper use of forceps or vacuum extraction can place undue pressure on the baby’s face, leading to nerve damage. This can result in muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the face, affecting the child’s ability to close their eyes or move facial muscles, leading to long-term developmental and cosmetic concerns.

Similarly, Brachial Plexus Palsy and Brachial Plexus Injury often result from trauma during birth when excessive force is used during delivery, especially in cases of shoulder dystocia. In these cases, the baby’s neck is stretched unnaturally, damaging the network of nerves that control movement in the arms and shoulders. Erb’s Palsy, a specific type of brachial plexus injury, causes partial or full paralysis of the arm and is a common birth injury seen in Pittsburgh. These injuries are often preventable with proper delivery techniques, and when they occur due to medical malpractice, families can face a lifetime of physical therapy, surgeries, and adaptive treatments.

The Most Common and Severe Allentown Birth Injury Examples:


Facial Nerve Palsy 

Brachial Plexus Palsy 

Cerebral Palsy (CP) 

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) 


Brachial Plexus Injury 

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) 

Erb’s Palsy 

Athetoid Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP), one of the most serious Pittsburgh birth injury cases, can result from improper monitoring or delays in addressing fetal distress, often leading to oxygen deprivation during birth. A specific cause of CP is Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE), where a baby’s brain suffers from a lack of oxygen and blood flow during labor or delivery. HIE can result from medical negligence, such as failure to perform a timely C-section or improper fetal heart rate monitoring. The consequences are profound, often leading to lifelong impairments in movement, coordination, and cognitive abilities, requiring ongoing care.

Another form of encephalopathy, simply known as Encephalopathy, can also result from medical errors during birth, such as failing to properly address infection or issues related to fetal distress. Encephalopathy can cause developmental delays, seizures, and other neurological issues, necessitating long-term medical care and intervention.

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) is another preventable Pittsburgh birth injury where a baby inhales a mixture of meconium (the first stool) and amniotic fluid into their lungs. If healthcare providers fail to recognize signs of fetal distress and promptly intervene, MAS can lead to severe respiratory issues, infections, and long-term lung damage.

Athetoid Palsy, a less common form of CP, can also stem from Pittsburgh birth-related injuries involving oxygen deprivation or improper management of labor complications. This condition results in involuntary, uncontrolled movements, which significantly impair a child’s ability to perform basic tasks like walking or eating, often requiring years of specialized care.

A Low APGAR Score is an important indicator of a newborn’s overall health immediately after birth. The score evaluates Appearance (skin color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (reflex irritability), Activity (muscle tone), and Respiration (breathing effort). A low score, especially in the first few minutes after birth, can signal serious issues like oxygen deprivation, poor heart function, or respiratory distress, often linked to medical errors. Failure to act quickly and appropriately in cases of low APGAR scores can result in conditions such as cerebral palsy or other severe birth injuries. In many Pittsburgh medical malpractice cases, low APGAR scores serve as critical evidence of negligence or substandard care.

Each of these conditions underscores the devastating consequences of Pittsburgh birth injuries caused by preventable errors. Families affected by these injuries often face emotional, physical, and financial challenges that can last a lifetime, as they navigate a complex web of ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and potential legal actions against negligent healthcare providers.

Possible Causes and Negligence Leading to Pittsburgh Birth Injury Cases

Pittsburgh birth injury cases often stem from preventable medical errors and negligence during labor and delivery. Failure to monitor fetal distress and vital signs is a critical issue, as it can result in undetected complications, such as oxygen deprivation, leading to conditions like cerebral palsy. When healthcare providers fail to act upon signs of fetal distress, families face the lifelong consequences of a child with severe disabilities. Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers can help families navigate the Pittsburgh birth injury lawsuit to seek compensation for medical bills, therapies, and other ongoing needs.

Common Medical Errors Leading to Preventable Allentown Birth Trauma, Birth Injuries, and Irreversible Brain Damage in Infants

  • Failure to monitor fetal distress and vital signs
  • Delayed decision to perform a C-section
  • Improper use of forceps or vacuum extraction tools
  • Mismanagement of shoulder dystocia
  • Delayed response to umbilical cord complications
  • Failure to diagnose and treat maternal infections
  • Misinterpretation of fetal heart rate monitoring
  • Inadequate resuscitation of newborns
  • Delay in providing oxygen when necessary
  • Improper medication use during labor and delivery

Another cause is the delayed decision to perform a C-section. When doctors wait too long to switch from a natural delivery to a C-section, it can cause significant harm to the baby, including brain injuries from prolonged labor. A timely C-section can prevent many birth injuries, and failure to make this decision promptly may be considered medical negligence. Our attorneys are experienced in investigating delays in C-section decisions and can help families seek justice and compensation for long-term medical care costs and pain and suffering.

The improper use of forceps or vacuum extraction tools can also lead to birth injuries, including facial nerve palsy, skull fractures, and brain injuries. If these tools are misused, the baby may suffer lasting physical and neurological damage. Our lawyers help by thoroughly reviewing medical records to determine if the tools were improperly used and by holding healthcare providers accountable for their negligence.

Mismanagement of shoulder dystocia, where the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck during delivery, can result in brachial plexus injuries or even permanent paralysis of the arm. Failure to properly address shoulder dystocia through safe birthing techniques can leave a family burdened with the emotional and financial toll of caring for an injured child. Our Pittsburgh birth injury attorneys work to ensure families are compensated for these injuries, including the costs of ongoing physical therapy and medical care.

Delayed response to umbilical cord complications, such as when the cord becomes wrapped around the baby’s neck, can lead to oxygen deprivation and severe brain damage. Quick and decisive action is crucial in these situations, and when healthcare providers fail to act in time, it can result in lifelong consequences. Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers help families hold negligent medical staff accountable, ensuring they can cover the cost of specialized care and therapies.

Failure to diagnose and treat maternal infections can also lead to serious birth injuries, as infections like Group B Strep can be passed to the baby, causing conditions like meningitis or sepsis. Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers helps families by investigating whether appropriate tests and treatments were administered during pregnancy and delivery.

Other examples of negligence include misinterpretation of fetal heart rate monitoring, inadequate resuscitation of newborns, delay in providing oxygen when necessary, and improper medication use during labor and delivery. Each of these errors can result in significant harm to the newborn, including long-term developmental and physical challenges. Our lawyers can help families by investigating the circumstances of the Pittsburgh birth injury and working to secure compensation to cover medical expenses and emotional suffering.

Time Limit to File Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawsuit

In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for filing a birth injury lawsuit is generally two years from the date of the injury. However, in birth injury cases, the discovery rule may apply, which means that the time limit can be extended if the injury wasn’t immediately apparent. If parents discover or suspect a birth injury years after birth, our experienced attorneys can evaluate whether an exception applies and help them seek justice, even if the injury was not initially evident.

Filing a Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawsuit When Injuries Were Not Immediately Evident 

If a birth injury is discovered years later, families can still pursue legal action under Pennsylvania’s discovery rule. This rule allows the time limit for filing to be extended if the injury could not have been reasonably discovered right away. Our lawyers are skilled at evaluating whether a claim is still viable, even if the typical time limit has passed, and can help gather the necessary evidence to seek justice.

Who is Entitled to File Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawsuit?

Parents or legal guardians are typically entitled to file a Pittsburgh birth injury lawsuit on behalf of their child. However, children who have suffered birth injuries are also entitled to seek justice once they reach adulthood. Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers ensure that all parties involved can exercise their rights and pursue compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, and other damages.

How Much Is My Pittsburgh Birth Injury Case Worth?

The value of a Pittsburgh birth injury case depends on several factors, including the severity of the injury, the cost of ongoing medical care, and the emotional toll on the family. Our lawyers at the Trapani Law Firm work to secure compensation for all losses, including medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost future income, and pain and suffering.

Our Mission and Goals at the Trapani Law Firm

At the Trapani Law Firm, our mission is to provide compassionate legal representation for families affected by Pittsburgh birth injuries. We aim to secure justice and compensation for the long-term needs of the child and family, ensuring they have the financial resources to cover medical care, therapies, and emotional support. We aim to raise awareness about birth trauma and enforce safety standards and protocols during childbirth across the country. We deeply believe that as Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers we play a crucial role in advocating for higher standards of newborns’ healthcare and preventable birth injuries prevention. 

How Do You Know If Your Newborn’s Injuries Result From Congenital or Genetic Defects or Preventable Pittsburgh Birth Injuries?

To determine if a child’s birth defect resulted from a congenital or incidental condition or from preventable birth injuries in Pittsburgh, it’s important to consult medical professionals who specialize in genetics and maternal-fetal medicine. Congenital defects typically arise from genetic abnormalities, developmental issues during pregnancy, or unknown factors. On the other hand, preventable birth injuries may occur due to medical negligence during labor and delivery, such as improper use of medical tools, delayed C-sections, or failure to monitor fetal distress. Reviewing medical records and consulting legal and medical experts can help clarify whether the injury was preventable or a natural defect.

Is Every Unfavorable Outcome of Childbirth Considered as a Pittsburgh Birth Injury? 

Not every unfavorable outcome of childbirth is considered grounds for a Pittsburgh birth injury lawsuit. A birth injury lawsuit typically requires evidence of medical negligence or malpractice. If healthcare providers fail to meet the standard of care expected during childbirth and that failure results in harm to the baby or mother, it may form the basis for a lawsuit. However, some poor outcomes occur naturally despite appropriate care, and these do not qualify for legal action unless negligence is proven to have directly caused the injury. Legal consultation can clarify whether the outcome merits pursuing a case. 

What Our Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyers Do for Clients

Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers meticulously review medical records, consult with expert witnesses, and build a strong case to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable. By gathering critical evidence and presenting compelling legal arguments, we increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome for our clients, helping them secure the compensation they deserve.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Pittsburgh Birth Injuries?

Several parties may be held liable for Pittsburgh birth injuries, including doctors, nurses, midwives, and hospitals. In some cases, more than one party may share responsibility for the injuries, such as when both a doctor’s negligence and hospital policies contribute to the outcome. Our lawyers thoroughly investigate to determine all responsible parties.

Multiple Liable and Accountable Parties in One Pittsburgh Birth Injury Case

In a Pittsburgh birth injury case, multiple parties may be held liable, making it more complex than a one-defendant lawsuit. Various individuals and entities, such as nurses, anesthesiologists, medical device manufacturers, or even pharmaceutical companies, could share responsibility for the injury. For example, a nurse’s failure to monitor the fetal heart rate or a faulty medical device that led to complications during delivery could both be factors in the injury. Determining liability requires a thorough investigation, review of medical records, expert opinions, and knowledge of medical protocols. Our lawyers will meticulously assess all potential defendants, ensuring each party that contributed to the harm is held accountable.

Should You Contact an Experienced Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyer to Handle Such a Complex Case?

Parents should not attempt to file such complex lawsuits alone, as they often involve intricate legal and medical issues that require expert handling. Experienced and knowledgeable lawyers can effectively navigate the legal process, manage multiple claims, and prove how each party’s negligence contributed to the injury. We will work to ensure that all those who breached their duty of care towards the mother and child are held accountable for their errors and negligence, securing the compensation and justice that families deserve.

Establishing Negligence in a Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawsuit

Establishing negligence in a Pittsburgh birth injury lawsuit requires meeting several legal requirements:

  • Proving a doctor-patient relationship existed.
  • Demonstrating that the healthcare provider failed to meet the standard of care.
  • Showing that the negligence directly caused the birth injury.
  • Documenting the damages suffered due to the injury.

Why Hire an Experienced Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyer?

Hiring an experienced and trustworthy Pittsburgh birth injury lawyer is crucial because these cases are complex and require deep knowledge of both medical and legal standards. Our attorneys can effectively navigate the system, increase your chances of success, and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Emotional Toll of Birth Injuries

The emotional toll of a Pittsburgh birth injury is immense for families, as they grapple with feelings of grief, anger, and uncertainty. Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers not only help with the legal process but also provide emotional support, offering a path to regain balance and focus on the future. We help ensure children who have suffered birth injuries have the financial means for equal developmental opportunities, alleviating the stress of navigating the legal system alone.

Red Flags to Watch for During Pregnancy to Avoid or Lower the Risk of Birth Injury 

  • Lack of proper fetal monitoring
  • Delayed or improper use of medical tools during labor
  • Unexplained delays in necessary medical interventions
  • Failure to respond to umbilical cord complications
  • Misdiagnosis or failure to treat maternal infections
  • Incorrect medication usage during pregnancy or labor

Can I Afford to Hire a Lawyer?

At the Trapani Law Firm, we understand that financial strain is a concern for many families. That’s why we offer free initial consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if we win your case. This ensures that all families, regardless of financial standing, can seek justice.

Where Our Lawyers Serve Clients

Our Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers meet clients wherever it is most convenient—whether online, at your home, hospital, or any other comfortable location. We serve families in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Lehigh Valley, Scranton, and beyond, ensuring they receive the compassionate legal support they need after suffering from negligent healthcare providers.

Birth Injury Lawyer Pittsburgh

An experienced, Pittsburg birth injury lawyer will work on a contingency fee, which means we don’t get paid unless we acquire economic compensation or a Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawsuit settlement for an infant client and their parents. Further, all Allegheny County birth injury consultations are free of charge, so please give us a call today to discuss a birth injury medical malpractice lawsuit settlement. The best Pittsburgh birth injury lawyers will have a track record of medical malpractice lawsuit success and high moral standards in the Allegheny County Pennsylvania community. The Trapani Law Firm is here to help get you and your family the justice and treatment you deserve after a Pittsburgh birth injury diagnosis.

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Last Updated on February 9, 2025