Recent Victories
A New Jersey wrongful death lawyer in NJ is needed when a loved one’s death is caused by another party’s negligence or wrongdoing. The New Jersey deceased person’s estate representatives may be entitled to recover their damages after a New Jersey wrongful death accident. The deceased’s family members, children, parents, or spouses may file a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit. Plaintiffs may sue responsible individuals, companies, or governments for compensation. Our New Jersey wrongful death attorneys, help to seek justice for victims’ families. Parties responsible for wrongful death due to recklessness or negligence will be held liable due to investigation and indisputable evidence. People who hire a NJ wrongful death lawyer statistically receive higher amounts of compensation. Even after paying lawyers’ fees, they still have more money than people who file New Jersey wrongful death claims by themselves. Sadly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 130,000 citizens die each year in the U.S.A. due to wrongful death accidents that could have been prevented. Our New Jersey wrongful death lawyers offer free consultations, and we work on a contingency fee. It means we are not paid until we recover financial compensation for you and your family. We receive payments only if we can recover your losses in a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit.
Who is entitled to seek compensation in a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit?
Spouses, children, parents, and siblings may be entitled to sue the liable party for compensation after a New Jersey wrongful death accident. The plaintiffs may claim the defendant to recover damages due to emotional distress, loss of parental care, loss of wages, loss of emotional support, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, deceased’s medical bills, and funeral bills, among others. New Jersey’s wrongful death claim may cover financial losses as well as mental suffering. Our New Jersey wrongful death attorneys handle wrongful death lawsuits across the entire state of New Jersey including Newark NJ, Trenton NJ, Camden NJ, Cherry Hill NJ and Jersey City NJ.
Is there any time limit to file a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit?
According to the New Jersey statute of limitations, Plaintiffs are able to file a wrongful death claim within two years from the injury resulting in the victim’s death. Unless the injury was not discovered immediately. In case when the liable party’s wrongdoing has been discovered lately, two years period counts from the date it has been uncovered or reasonably should have been brought to the light.
How to prove a party’s liability in a wrongful death case? What evidence should you bring to support your New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit?
These are our basic requirements to file a successful New Jersey wrongful death claim. Those conditions determine the fatal accident as wrongful death. The deceased’s family should be able to answer those questions to ensure they have the basis to file a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit. However, it would be best if you still double-checked it with a wrongful death lawyer.
- Duty of care – the plaintiffs need to prove that the defendant has had a duty of care to their victim. Duty of care existing during the fatal accident is a basis for determining the New Jersey wrongful death.
- Breaching the duty of care – Defendant would be held liable if there would be evidence of failing to the duty by negligent, reckless, or careless behavior.
- Breaching the duty of care is a cause of fatal accidents. Strong evidence of the defendant’s failure to act appropriately under certain circumstances will be the basis of the wrongful death case’s success.
- New Jersey wrongful death accidents result in severe damage and losses.
What are the most common causes of New Jersey wrongful death cases?
New Jersey wrongful death cases occur due to property owners, property managers, employers, supervisors, healthcare professionals, manufacturers, or individuals’ reckless and negligent actions. The most common causes of wrongful fatalities include:
- New Jersey premises liability cases
- New Jersey construction accidents
- New Jersey fire death cases
- New Jersey workplace accidents
- New Jersey traffic accidents like NJ truck accidents
- New Jersey car crashes
- New Jersey commercial trucks, tractor-trailers, and semi-truck accidents
- New Jersey pedestrian accidents
- New Jersey medical malpractice wrongful death
- New Jersey product liability, hazardous ingredients
New Jersey premises liability wrongful death accidents
What is the difference between a construction accident and a premises liability?
A New Jersey premises liability accident occurs when a person enters a piece of property and gets injured by a dangerous condition on that property. Real estate owners or building administrators may be held liable for failing to follow safety rules and neglecting to repair hazardous defects. New Jersey wrongful death due to premises liability occurs when a faulty building element is a direct cause of the victim’s fatal injury. New Jersey construction accidents typically occur when construction workers, tools, or equipment create a dangerous condition that causes injury. Supervisors and employers should ensure that heavy gear is always safe for their employers. Employers have to ensure that their workers have safety training and understand it. Their duty is to provide personal protective equipment, such as helmets, goggles, or gloves. Heavy gear and equipment must be free from faults and defects. In both cases failing to provide safe conditions resulting in a victim’s preventable death may be a basis for a New Jersey wrongful death claim.
New Jersey wrongful death traffic accidents
What are the most common traffic accidents causing wrongful deaths?
- New Jersey’s deadly road accidents include:
- New Jersey wrongful death tractor-trailer crashes
- New Jersey wrongful death commercial trucks
- New Jersey wrongful death semi-trucks accidents
- New Jersey wrongful death pedestrian accidents
- New Jersey wrongful death car crashes
- New Jersey wrongful death motorcycle accidents.
Statistically, the most hazardous vehicles are the big ones: tractor-trailers and semi-trucks. The most common causes of New Jersey truck crashes include overloading, driver’s fatigue, texting and distraction while driving, and driving under the influence. New Jersey truck crashes are widely known for causing far more road fatalities than traditional car accidents. Considering that a fully-loaded semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. In comparison, the average passenger car weighs less than 4,000 pounds; it is clear and understandable why collisions between these two types of vehicles often result in fatal injuries. All too often, the sheer size and weight disparity between the car and the truck or semi-truck means some victims do not survive this type of vehicle crash. When an 18-wheeler, delivery truck, or other large commercial tractor-trailer is involved in a New Jersey traffic accident, the consequences for occupants of other vehicles are frequently devastating.
The car crash fatality report showed that almost 43,000 people were estimated to have been killed last year in the U.S.A. Vehicle drivers’ duties are to drive safely, not exceed the speed limits, stay sober, pay attention to the road conditions, avoid driving under bad weather conditions, and remain focused on the road. Sadly, many drivers breach those duties by texting, calling, exceeding speed limits, driving tired, being distracted, or under the influence of pain meds or alcohol. Those hazardous behaviors may be a basis for plaintiffs to file a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit. Drivers without permission to drive or a driving license may be held liable in an N.J. wrongful death claim.
The most dangerous types of collisions occurring on the roads of New Jersey include:
New Jersey wrongful death off-the-road collisions – The fatal type of car accident is when a vehicle veers off the roadway and crashes into another object, such as a telephone pole or a concrete tower. These accidents are easily the most deadly, making up a devastating 32% of all deaths in car accidents.
New Jersey wrongful death side impact collision – Unlike the front and back bumpers, the side of your vehicle doesn’t offer much protection if you are t-boned or sideswiped by another vehicle. It makes side impact collisions one of the most deadly car accidents that make up 21% of all New Jersey traffic-related fatalities. Side-impact crashes often occur in intersections, parking lots, highways, or other high-traffic roads.
New Jersey wrongful death – Similar to head-on collisions, rollover crashes are some of the most deadly car accidents in N.J. Nearly 11% of all traffic accidents’ dead victims are due to rollover accidents.
Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death New Jersey
Healthcare professionals should be dedicated to their patients. Doctors made a vow and promised to do everything to save lives, help people and deserve their trust. Failure to perform their duties properly could result in severe injuries and death. Even trustworthy healthcare providers make mistakes; various errors may occur at any stage of diagnosing and treating patients. Severe injury and death resulting from a doctor’s negligence is unfair and devastating for the victim’s family.
New Jersey wrongful death medical error lawsuit
The deceased’s spouse, children, and parents or estate representatives may be entitled to file a New Jersey wrongful death claim when death occurs due to surgical errors, misdiagnosis, or harmful treatment. The deceased’s survivors may sue the hospital and healthcare professional for compensation which covers their damages due to their loved one’s premature and preventable death. Plaintiffs need to prove the doctor’s error, negligence, or delay. Our experienced wrongful death lawyers help orphans and widows to collect evidence of medical malpractice. New York State law allows one to file a wrongful death claim within two years from the injury or when the deadly injury has been discovered or reasonably should have been discovered. Our NJ wrongful death medical malpractice lawyers put their tireless work into protecting family members and letting them recover mentally from the grief and mourning.
The most common causes of New Jersey wrongful death medical malpractice:
- New Jersey wrongful death emergency room errors
- New Jersey wrongful death misdiagnosis
- New Jersey wrongful death surgical errors
- New Jersey wrongful death medication errors
- New Jersey wrongful death harmful treatment administration
- New Jersey wrongful death improper aftercare or nursing care
- New Jersey wrongful death hospital infection
- New Jersey wrongful death ambulance accidents
- New Jersey wrongful death premature hospital discharge
- New Jersey wrongful death birth injuries, prolonged labor, birth traumas
A hospital is a potentially safe environment but full of hazards. Every stage of healthcare providing comes with some possible errors. Prolonged diagnosis, misdiagnosis, lack of treatment, medication overdose, unnecessarily administered harmful treatment, and surgical errors, among other injuries, may be deadly.
New Jersey wrongful death misdiagnosis
New Jersey misdiagnosis has many potential risks, such as delayed or prolonged proper diagnosis, wrong harmful treatment administration, and leaving the patient without treatment. In the worst-case scenario, patients may die because the prolonged diagnosis lowers treatment effectiveness, worsens the condition severity, and makes the patients miss their window of time to treat the condition before it becomes too advanced.
The most commonly misdiagnosed deadly conditions:
- New Jersey wrongful death stroke misdiagnosis
- New Jersey wrongful death cancer misdiagnosis: lung cancer, melanoma, thyroid cancer, etc.
- New Jersey wrongful death heart attack misdiagnosis
- New Jersey wrongful death pulmonary embolism misdiagnosis
- New Jersey wrongful death sepsis misdiagnosis
- New Jersey wrongful death aortic dissection
New Jersey wrongful death caused by stroke misdiagnosis
Stroke is a neurological condition with various levels of severity. Stroke originates from a blood clot stuck in the brain blood vessel, causing hypoxia or a vein rupture leading to bleeding in the brain. It is life-threatening both ways. Over one of every ten patients is misdiagnosed. Consequences of N.J. stroke misdiagnosis vary from patient to patient. Sadly, many patients do not survive stroke without emergency medical attention, medicines administered immediately, or surgical restoring the blood flow and oxygen supply.
New Jersey wrongful death cancer misdiagnosis
Early detection allows the treatment of most cancers. Stage first or second may be manageable, while the third or fourth stage may be a death sentence for the patient. The tumor may be too big for surgical resection or placed too close to an essential organ because of its size. Missing a time window to treat cancer may be fatal.
The most commonly misdiagnosed cancers include:
- Lymphoma
- Melanoma
- Lung cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Mesothelioma
- Breast cancer
- Uterine cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Thyroid cancer
- Testicular cancer
New Jersey wrongful death surgical errors
Being a surgeon is a very demanding and challenging occupation. Surgeons save lives thanks to their precision, skills, and expertise. Sadly, sometimes they fail to do their duties. Undergoing a major and invasive medical procedure always comes with doubts. In the worst-case scenario, the concerns may be reasonable.
New Jersey’s most hazardous and deadly surgical errors:
- New Jersey wrong tumor resections – surgeons should cut off the cancerous tissue with a little piece of healthy tissue to be sure not to leave any dangerous cells. Tumor resection errors may occur when the doctor cuts off too much of an essential organ which causes death. In return, healthcare professionals may leave too many cancerous cells, which can multiply and spread to the whole body.
- New Jersey wrongful death leaving a foreign object – This surgical mistake occurs when a doctor or scrub nurse leaves an item such as a scalpel, glove, or surgical clamp in a patient’s guts. It may cause significant pain, sepsis, high fever, pain, or infection. Sepsis may spread very fast, so even broad-spectrum antibiotics may be unable to stop it.
- New Jersey wrongful death surgical injuries – Undergoing surgery may be dangerous because of various potential inner injuries. Many head or spine, or spinal cord injuries may be fatal. Common severe injuries include: blood vessel ruptures leading to internal bleeding, a stroke or bleeding out or brain injuries, hematomas, and blood clots in the brain arteries. Essential organ failures happen due to surgical errors, anesthesia overdose, or infections.
New Jersey Wrongful Death Product Liability
All products sold in stores must be safe for consumers to use. Negligence on the part of a product manufacturer, seller, or distributor can lead to severe injuries or even the death of consumers who use the product correctly. When a product is faulty or defective, whether due to how the product was designed, manufactured, assembled, or stored, and somebody tragically loses their life because of the defect or malfunction, a wrongful death lawsuit may be filed against the responsible party or parties. When a product fatally injures a victim, the deceased’s family often has grounds for a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit. While no amount of money can make up for the unfair loss of a loved one, N.J.’s wrongful death lawyer can help you hold the parties whose negligence contributed to the victim’s death accountable. Defective products come in all shapes and sizes.
There are three types of faulty products:
- Products that have a design flaw make the entire group of items defective. An example of such a faulty product was a vehicle whose gas tank was located improperly. The car burst into flames if its gas tank was ruptured in a collision. The manufacturer should do a recall immediately.
- Products that are defective because of an error made during the manufacturing process.
- Products that are defective because they do not adequately warn consumers of a danger associated with the product. A warning label in a visible place on the product is required. For instance, “keep away from fire.”
Products that are frequently involved in defective product lawsuits include:
- Cars and car parts, seat belts, engines, wheel tires
- Medical devices, such as a defibrillator or pacemakers
- Consumer products, such as power tools or kitchen aid
- Children’s products, such as car seats or high chairs, toys
- Machinery and industrial products, heavy gear
The most famous widely-known examples of wrongful death product liability cases include vehicles and hoverboards bursting into flames, cancerogenic hair straighteners, and faulty baby pillows exploding.
New Jersey Apartment Fire Death
The New Jersey wrongful death of a loved one is always devastating, but when your loved one burned to death or perished from smoke inhalation due to a fire, the grief and suffering may be compounded. If you have lost a spouse, parent, or child in a fire-related accident that was preventable or caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to New Jersey wrongful death compensation for your loss under the law.
Fatal fire accidents typically occur due to employers’ negligence in avoiding fire hazards in the workplace, premises owners’ negligence in repairing defects that are likely to burst into flames, or manufacturer’s errors during the designing or manufacturing process. In recent years many wildfires around the U.S.A. have led to individual deaths that could have been avoided. Many people see wildfires as natural disasters, like volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. In reality, many of the most recent national fires have been sparked by negligence. The responsibility for those wildfires fatalities is on the part of utility companies that don’t properly maintain power lines and transformers. These deaths are often wrongful simply because they could have been avoided, and human errors have caused them. Call a NJ apartment fire death lawyer anytime for a free consultation.
Contact us! Get in touch with our New Jersey wrongful death attorneys
In your time of need, a caring New Jersey wrongful death attorney from the Trapani Law Firm is here to support you. We understand the difficulties and stress you’re facing, and our primary objective is to simplify the legal process for you, allowing you to focus on healing and grieving with a peace of mind. Whether you reside in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, Baltimore and the rest of Maryland, in New York, NY, as well as throughout the State of New Jersey, our team of wrongful death lawyers can arrange a meeting at your convenience. During this consultation, we will diligently address the specific circumstances surrounding the wrongful death incident, including cases involving medical malpractice, birth injuries, medication errors, nursing staff errors, stroke misdiagnosis and many other possibilities. Take the first step today by reaching out to us, connecting you with an experienced wrongful death lawyer in your area of New Jersey. Please call us at (610) 351-2330 for a free consultation of your case today!
If you lost your loved one due to preventable accidents due to another party’s negligence, contact our Law Firm to discuss your case. Our Law Firm has expertise and experience representing family members who have gone through deaths in their families due to New Jersey fire accidents, medical malpractice, premises liability, product liability, workplace accidents, car accidents, and truck crashes, among others. We work hard to win your case and ensure that you are involved in every step of the process. Our law firm acknowledges the many challenges and obstacles arising after a severe accident, especially when a loved one is taken too soon. Losing a child, spouse, or parent is a very devastating and overwhelming experience. There may be no occurrence worse than losing a loved one unexpectedly and prematurely. Our New Jersey wrongful death attorneys understand the emotional trauma and stress that comes with such significant loss. Our NJ death attorneys are here to help you and your family deal with mourning, anger, grief, anxiety, and financial loss. We must quickly preserve all relevant and indisputable evidence to support our claim. A New Jersey wrongful death lawyer will take all the legal steps for you so that you can focus on mourning your lost loved one and taking care of your family. Recovery after such a devastating loss may be easier with professional legal help. We gained our experience through years of practice with complex and challenging cases. We provide peace of mind and offer our expertise to help widows and orphans go through this time as smoothly as possible. Our Law Firm will tirelessly represent your family’s legal rights after suffering from a N.J. wrongful death accident. We offer free wrongful death consultations, and our fatal accident lawyers are happy to meet you at your home or New Jersey apartment if that is most convenient. Our NJ wrongful death lawyers will make themselves available to meet you at the hospital or at the scene of an accident to meet your expectations. A wrongful death lawyer in New Jersey can help if you’ve lost a loved one. An experienced New jersey wrongful death attorney can meet you in Newark NJ, Trenton NJ, Atlantic City NJ, Jersey City NJ, Camden NJ, Cherry Hill NJ, Paterson NJ, Elizabeth NJ, Lakewood NJ, Edison NJ, Jersey Shore NJ, North Jersey, Woodbridge NJ, Toms River NJ, Hamilton Township NJ, Clifton NJ, Brick NJ, Bayonne NJ, Passaic NJ, East Orange NJ or Union City NJ. Call a NJ wrongful death attorney in New Jersey for a free consultation.
Last Updated on February 9, 2025