Best Personal Injury Attorneys in PhiladelphiaCall a Newark wonderful death lawyer in Newark NJ for a free consultation. There is no easy way to lose a loved one, but it can be even worse if the death is caused by another person’s wrongful actions. Plaintiffs in Newark wrongful death cases always suffer emotional distress and grief. The wrongful death lawsuit may be an additional stressful and challenging event in their lives. The deceased loved one is no longer around to fight back against the party that caused the fatality. Instead, it is up to the surviving family members to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. If you are suffering the sudden loss of your loved one due to someone else’s wrongdoing or negligence, the Newark wrongful death attorney may be able to help you seek justice by filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the person who caused your loved one’s death. When a person dies as a result of another party’s accidental or intentional act, the deceased person’s estate representative could be entitled to file a Newark wrongful death lawsuit. The deceased person’s family members are entitled to get the New Jersey wrongful death compensation when their loved one died because of medical error, product liability, premises liability, car accident, pedestrian accident or construction accident or workplace accident, or Newark apartment fire wrongful death. Everyone who lost a loved person because of someone else’s wrongdoing and became a personal representative of the deceased person’s estate can file a wrongful death claim by themselves or hire a wrongful death attorney in Newark NJ.

A Newark wrongful death lawyer in Newark New Jersey can help after the loss of a family member in a fatal Newark accident. An experienced Newark wrongful death attorney can you meet you and your family at any of the following Newark neighborhoods: In the North Ward Newark, Broadway, Forest Hill, Mount Pleasant, Roseville, Seventh Avenue, Woodside, or the South Ward Newark, Clinton Hill, Dayton, Port Newark, South Broad Valley, Weequahic, or on the Central Ward Newark, The Coast, Lincoln Park, Downtown Newark NJ, Newark Government Center, Springfield, Belmont, University Heights, Teachers Village, or the East Ward Newark, Four Corners, Five Corners, Gateway Center, The Ironbound, or the West Ward Newark, Fairmount, Ivy Hill, Vailsburg, and the West Side of Newark NJ. We can also have a Newark wrongful death lawyer meet you at Newark Liberty International Airport or the New Jersey Performing Arts Center if that is more convenient. We handle Essex County NJ wrongful death lawsuits in Belleville NJ, Bloomfield NJ, East Orange NJ, Irvington NJ, Montclair NJ, Livingston, NJ, Nutley NJ, Orange NJ and West Orange NJ. our Newark wrongful death lawyers handle fatal car accidents, bus accident, truck accidents, medical malpractice wrongful death, Newark birth injury, drowning, electrocution, workplace wrongful death, construction accidents and Newark apartment fire wrongful death litigation. We only get paid after we win your Newark wrongful death lawsuit settlement. Call an experienced wrongful death attorney in Newark NJ for a free consultation.



What does the wrongful death lawyer do? Why is it wise to hire a Newark wrongful death attorney? Is it profitable to find a law professional to handle your wrongful death case?


Newark wrongful death lawyers provide expertise, experience, and peace of mind for their clients. Our wrongful death law firm knows that losing a loved one is a devastating event. We know how to support a widow, widower, or orphan. We offer our knowledge, expertise, and experience to investigate and get the highest possible compensation for your damage. We understand that the family member’s death comes with the loss of support, loss of parental care, loss of joy of life, loss of wages, financial losses, and debts. We know that funeral costs and medical bills may be huge and leave the plaintiffs in poverty. We are here to help our clients regain emotional and financial balance. Statistically, a person who hires a Newark wrongful death lawyer gets more money than a person who files a wrongful death claim by themself. Even after paying a lawyer fee, they still have more money. In addition to getting higher wrongful death compensation, plaintiffs who hire a lawyer do not risk anything. Our wrongful death attorneys work on a contingency fee. What does it mean that we work on a contingency fee? We only get our payout when and if we are able to compensate our clients’ damage.


Our Newark wrongful death attorneys provide real and measurable help. The essential benefits from hiring a New Jersey wrongful death lawyer:


  • Getting higher compensation from an insurance company.
  • The professional investigation of the accident or other circumstance that led to the wrongful death of your loved one.
  • Finding proof of someone’s negligence or wrongful act of another party.
  • Proving that the doctor’s unnecessary actions lead to the patient’s death.
  • Finding proof of the costs and financial losses caused by the loved one’s death.
  • Proving non-economic damages. The nature of these damages makes their total value difficult to predict.
  • Proving that the person responsible for the wrongful death failed to exercise reasonable care.
  • Filing the settlement offer/demand in your name.
  • Showing if the responsible person’s behavior was reckless, intentional, or negligent.
  • Establishing certain facts to be successful when filing a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit.
Wrongful Death Attorney Newark, New Jersey

What does the wrongful death lawyer do? Why is it wise to hire a Newark wrongful death attorney? Is it profitable to find a law professional to handle your wrongful death case?


Newark wrongful death lawyers provide expertise, experience, and peace of mind for their clients. Our wrongful death law firm knows that losing a loved one is a devastating event. We know how to support a widow, widower, or orphan. We offer our knowledge, expertise, and experience to investigate and get the highest possible compensation for your damage. We understand that the family member’s death comes with the loss of support, loss of parental care, loss of joy of life, loss of wages, financial losses, and debts. We know that funeral costs and medical bills may be huge and leave the plaintiffs in poverty. We are here to help our clients regain emotional and financial balance. Statistically, a person who hires a Newark wrongful death lawyer gets more money than a person who files a wrongful death claim by themself. Even after paying a lawyer fee, they still have more money. In addition to getting higher wrongful death compensation, plaintiffs who hire a lawyer do not risk anything. Our wrongful death attorneys work on a contingency fee. What does it mean that we work on a contingency fee? We only get our payout when and if we are able to compensate our clients’ damage.


Our Newark wrongful death attorneys provide real and measurable help. The essential benefits from hiring a New Jersey wrongful death lawyer:


  • Getting higher compensation from an insurance company.
  • The professional investigation of the accident or other circumstance that led to the wrongful death of your loved one.
  • Finding proof of someone’s negligence or wrongful act of another party.
  • Proving that the doctor’s unnecessary actions lead to the patient’s death.
  • Finding proof of the costs and financial losses caused by the loved one’s death.
  • Proving non-economic damages. The nature of these damages makes their total value difficult to predict.
  • Proving that the person responsible for the wrongful death failed to exercise reasonable care.
  • Filing the settlement offer/demand in your name.
  • Showing if the responsible person’s behavior was reckless, intentional, or negligent.
  • Establishing certain facts to be successful when filing a New Jersey wrongful death lawsuit.


TOP 10 causes of Newark wrongful death cases


What are the most common causes of Newark wrongful death accidents?

Some fatal accidents occur almost every day across the country, while others are less common.


Newark wrongful death car accident

Newark wrongful death semi-trucks and tractor-trailers accident

Newark medical malpractice wrongful death

Newark wrongful death construction accident

Newark wrongful death premises liability

Newark wrongful death product liability

Newark wrongful death pedestrian accident

Newark wrongful death motorcycle accident

Newark apartment fire wrongful death

Newark wrongful death workplace accidents


No matter what has caused your loved one’s sudden and premature death, it is crucial to bring strong and indisputable evidence of another party’s fault. The Newark wrongful death claim requires proof of another party’s duty of care, breaching this duty, and that the fatal accidents result from this failure or negligence. As the plaintiff, you have to act under the law and follow current rules. What are the essential laws to know before filing the Newark wrongful death claim?


New Jersey wrongful death statute of limitation. What is the deadline for filing a wrongful death claim in New Jersey?


The statute of limitations for New Jersey wrongful death claims is two years from the date of the decedent’s passing.


Newark, New Jersey fatal car and semi-truck accidents


Motor vehicle accidents involving cars, semi-trucks, and motorcycles are among the most common wrongful death lawsuits. Preventable fatal accidents can include drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs, distracted driving, speeding, failure to change the line, and driving without a driver’s license. Driving a vehicle is inextricably linked with some hazards. Drivers have duties to follow to stay safe and not threaten the other drivers’ and passengers’ lives and health. Sadly, many people drive irresponsibly. Some situations are manageable, while others are just devastating coincidences. According to the NHTSA, drunk driving and speeding were the two leading causes of fatalities in car accidents, causing 11,654 and 11,259 road fatalities, respectively, during the course of 2020. Distraction was also a leading cause of fatal collisions, with 2,974 fatal crashes attributed to drivers who failed to focus on the roads. Remember that any vehicle collision can turn catastrophic and devastating in an instant. However, studies have shown that some types of accidents have the potential to be more deadly than others. Single-vehicle accidents accounted for more than half of all deadly crashes in 2020. Pedestrian accidents, head-on collisions, T-Bone accidents, rollover crashes, and off-road accidents are also among the most dangerous types of road accidents. In general, the higher the speed of the cars involved, the greater the injuries will be. Other factors that make car accidents more dangerous include the size of the vehicles involved in the crash and amount of passengers inside the vehicles. Researchers often divide accidents into single-vehicle accidents and multi-vehicle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s most recent data, single-vehicle accidents accounted for 58% of all traffic fatalities in the United States. These accidents may occur because people are speeding and lose control of their vehicles. Or they occur when an object or animal enters the roadway, causing the driver to swerve and hit a person or object. Multi-vehicle accidents occur for various reasons. In some cases, only one driver’s mistake or negligence causes the horrible crash, while in other cases, it may be more people held liable for the accident.


If your loved one died due to a car accident, contact an experienced Newark wrongful death attorney. We will discuss your case and hold responsible parties liable for your loss. We believe you and your deceased loved one deserve justice.


Newark, New Jersey Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death


While healthcare professionals made vows to save lives, their failures may kill patients as well. Medical malpractice cases can lead to either personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits in Newark and New Jersey. In personal injury cases, the victims themselves seek compensation for their damages. In wrongful death cases, the victim can no longer represent themselves in court, so a loved one or estate representative pursues financial compensation on their behalf. Medical malpractice leading to the patient’s death can occur during any stage of doctor-patient interaction, from pre-diagnosis to post-operation, from the Emergency Room to the wrong prescription. Common types of medical malpractice include:


  • Failure to diagnose cancer
  • Newark Stroke Malpractice, Stroke Misdiagnosis Attorney
  • Misdiagnosis (the most common fatal misdiagnosis is related to a stroke, a heart attack, sepsis, a variety of cancers and tumors, multiple organs failure, a septic shock, pulmonary embolism, and brain injuries)
  • Misinterpreting lab test results or running the wrong tests
  • Surgical mistakes, such as unnecessary operations, incorrect surgery sites, retained foreign objects, and internal bleeding.
  • Newark Birth Injury Lawyer
  • Incorrect medication or dosage (there are many cases of a chemo overdose)
  • Poor follow-up care or premature discharge


Newark cancer misdiagnosis wrongful death cases:


Cancers are inextricably linked with undergoing painful procedures, lots of lab tests, life-threatening surgeries, and risky treatments. It may seem like a death sentence for most people. Most cancers may be manageable or curable if treated properly. There are two major types of cancer fatal errors: tumor resection surgical errors and cancer misdiagnosis. The most deadly cancers that are commonly misdiagnosed:


Breast cancer

Colorectal cancer

Lung cancer


Ovaries cancer


Mesothelioma Asbestos exposure

Thyroid cancer in children


Newark stroke misdiagnosis wrongful death cases:


Strokes are very tricky conditions. Newark strokes’ early symptoms are often mild and include headaches, dizziness, or balance issues. Patients arriving at the hospitals with those symptoms have a great chance of surviving with proper medical attention. Sadly, a huge number of patients are misdiagnosed. Healthcare professionals refuse to help them and make further diagnosis. Untreated strokes in Newark lead to severe neurological injuries, permanent disabilities, and wrongful death. In addition to those devastating consequences, the second or third stroke in a row may be deadly even if the previous one was mild. This is why a Newark stroke misdiagnosis is so hazardous. Call an experienced Newark stroke attorney for a free consultation.


Our Newark medical malpractice wrongful death lawyers will make themselves available to meet you at the hospitals to discuss your case. We gained our knowledge and expertise through years of putting our tireless work into similar cases. Our wrongful death attorneys are experienced in working with hospital employees and insurance companies. Call a Newark birth injury lawyer in Newark NJ for a free consultation.


Newark, New Jersey apartment fire accident


Call a Newark apartment fire lawyer for a free consultation. Fires may occur due to product liability, when a product’s malfunction leads to self-ignition, premises liability when a property owner fails to provide hazard-free conditions, workplace accidents when an employer fails to provide personal protective equipment, and a safe workplace, among others. Surprisingly, even wildfires may be considered wrongful. Recently, many wildfires led to deaths that could have been prevented. Most people see wildfires as natural disasters, like volcanoes or earthquakes. In reality, many of the USA’s most recent fires have sparked negligence on the part of utility companies that don’t properly maintain power lines and transformers. These deaths are often wrongful simply because they could have been avoided.


If your loved one burned to death or perished from smoke inhalation due to a fire, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death claim. We understand it is never an easy way to lose a loved one, but if your spouse or child lost their life due to another party’s negligence, your grief and anger might be combusted. Call a Newark apartment fire attorney for a free consultation.


Our Newark wrongful death attorney – get in touch with experienced and knowledgeable lawyers for a free consultation.


We work on a contingency fee. It means that we only get paid if and when we are able to financially compensate for your damage. You don’t risk anything. Studies show that the plaintiffs who hire a lawyer have, on average, a three-and-a-half times larger settlement. Even after paying a lawyer fee, you still have more money, and you are able to pay the debts and compensate for funeral bills, medical bills, or loss of wages.


Contact our Newark wrongful death lawyer anytime! We are available 24/7 to meet you in Newark, New Jersey, or have an online consultation in English or Espanol. Our New Jersey wrongful death lawyers can meet you and your family in any city that is more convenient, such as Philadelphia PA or New York City (NYC). Call us anytime for a free consultation.

Last Updated on February 9, 2025